On Saturday 24th of October at approximately 11.30pm a Fermanagh 32csm member and EX POW and his girlfriend who is also a member of the 32csm in the 26 counties were travelling from the town of Enniskillen, after celebrating his birthday. After travelling no more than 6 to 7 miles outside the town they noticed a blue light flashing behind them so the female driver of the car then pulled the car into the laybye and was followed by the car with the blue flashing light.
The occupants of the car with the blue flashing light were the PSNI traffic branch who stated to the female driver of the car that she had been speeding and that is why she had been pulled in.
The passenger of the car was asked his name and at this the traffic branch left the car and returned to there own car and were heard on radios talking about the passenger who was in the car that was stopped.
About 5 to 8 minutes past when then flashing lights and cars were seen converging upon the veichile that the traffic branch had stopped.
It was then that the female driver of the car that was stopped was asked to step outside the car and accompany the traffic branch to the barracks to be questioned about road traffic matters. At this the girls boyfriend a well known Republican from Fermanagh got out of the veichle also and demanded to know what the reason was why his girlfriend was to be taken to the police station for questioning about road traffic matters, before he could say much more his girlfriend was escorted to the back of the patrol car.
The girls boyfriend no doubt became angry and aggressive towards the PSNI who had now called the TSG who were there very heavily armed to carry out a search on the females car under the terrorism act.
The female was then driven away at speed while the Fermanagh Republican was left on his own with a heavily armed TSG and PSNI present as they began to search the Republicans girlfriends car without her being present.
At this the Fermanagh Republican became concerned thinking of another John Brady scenario with no witnesses he tried to escape the clutches of the TSG and PSNI and was man handled to the ground after a lenghty struggle on the side of the road, luckily passing cars were seen stopping to see what was going on as the Republican was shouting for cars to stop. The TSG were then seen wildly waving cars and shouting at motorists to drive on.
Just then a voice was herd saying bring him over here and all the TSG became very friendly towards the Republican and escorted him to a waiting car while his hands were tied up.
As he got closer to this car he saw 5 men sitting in the car 2 in the front and 3 in the back, one of the men called the Republican by his first name and Identified themselves as British Military intelligence ( MI5 ) and talked to him about saving lives and asked him to work for them. Even saying that there was over 100,000 in a bag that they opened in front of him.
After the Fermanagh Republican refused to even talk to them they told him that "you either work for us or your going back to jail" its as simple as that. After no comment from the Republican those that identified themselves as MI5 sped off at high speed.
After an hour the Fermanagh Republican was reunited with his girlfriend as she was being held in a Fermanagh police barracks.
Fermanagh 32csm understands that the girlfriend of the well known Fermanagh Republican was also asked how long has she been going out with him and various other questions she was asked regarding what she did and her association to the Republican.
Fermanagh 32 County Sovereignty Movement (32csm) also understands that both the man and woman have lodged complaints with there solicitors about this situation of harrassment by the PSNI and British Military spooks they also want to condemn the Colonial Police force and there masters in MI5, in there recent unsuccessful endevours to ask Republicans to become agents of the state.
32csm ask anyone who feels intimidated or under pressure to become an infomer/ British agent to feel free and come forward to the 32csm as we will help you.
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