The PSNI/RUC forced a loyalist parade through the Nationalist village of Newtownbutler on friday 3rd of July at 8.30pm.
A major security operation swung into place in the sleepy border village of Newtownbutler in South Fermanagh tonite as Nationalist residents went out to confront what they seen was a provocative act and coat trailing exercise by the Orange Order and there protectors in the colonial Police force, when they were set apon by riot claddin police brandising batons.
The young Nationalist youth rebelled against this Police aggression by launching a barrage of missiles including bricks and bottles at the crown forces who were protectors for this loyalist band.
Fermanagh 32csm were in the village to support and assist the Nationalist residents in there plight.
On a number of occasions members of Provisional Sinn Fein were seen trying to stop the young Nationalists from attacking the Colonial Police.
We in the 32csm here in Fermanagh would like to commend the brave efforts of the young Nationalists in the border village of Newtownbutler for standing up to overwhelming numbers of crown force personnel and for there resistance to these bully boys.
Fermanagh 32csm will be there at future orange parades to assist the Nationalist residents in there plight.
Fermanagh 32 csm.
Fermanagh 32 csm.
was a great day 4 us