The continued abuse of Republican POW’s in Maghaberry Gaol is not only a serious violation of their Human Rights but a reflection of how the British Government and their puppets at Stormont have no answers on how to treat republicans or how to deal with the republican analysis which exposes the continued violation of Irish National Sovereignty.
Mr Francis Mackey, Chairman of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement said, “Republicans have exposed the flaws in the normalisation of British Rule in Ireland and by doing so demonstrated that the British Government and their allies in Stormont can only repeat the repressive practices of the past to subdue the legitimate Republican challenge.
The abuse of POW’s in Maghaberry and the continued internment of Marian Price illustrates how abuse, repression and harassment is the extent of the thinking the British and the parties in Stormont are prepared to go rather than trying to end the political conditions which allows this inhumane practice to continue”.
Continuing Mr Mackey said, “ It is imperative the Republican base and particularly all republican Organisations, Societies and Individuals stand united and firmly behind the campaign to end the political abuse of republicans.
I appeal for Unity of Republican purpose to bring pressure to bear on the parties in Stormont to end the practice of Strip Searching as a first step in ending the protest in this gaol.
What concerns me most is the pressure on these men and I would fear such continued pressure would escalate and I personally do not want to see a repeat of history in this regard.
Therefore what ever actions are necessary should be explored to bring this issue to a successful conclusion.”