32CSM new year statement 2012
As 2011 draws to a close we send greetings to our supporters and activists at home and abroad. We salute the dedication and enthusiasm shown by all during the past year. It has been a difficult year for Republicans, we have seen ever increasing levels of harassment of our activists on both sides of the border. This has extended beyond the targeting of individuals and is now being used as a tool of coercion against extended families and whole communities. The true nature of the six county state has been revealed as in the past year it has reverted to type. We have witnessed the reintroduction of the supergrass trial, political policing, sectarian marches and the criminalizing of Republican POWs.
The 32CSM salutes the courage of the POWs in both Maghaberry and Portlaoise in the past year. An agreement that was signed in good faith by the POWs was reneged on by the prison service, but it is the British government and their accomplices at Stormont who bare the ultimate responsibility for the ongoing crisis. We call on them to recognize the agreement and to end the degrading and unnecessary strip searches.
We send greetings and solidarity to Marian Price, interned once again in a British gaol. Marian’s case should not be of interest only to republicans but to all who profess a concern for human rights and justice. The 32CSM will step up and expand our campaign in 2012 to highlight this blatant disregard for Marian’s human rights. We will not stop until she is back with her family and comrades.
The economic situation in Ireland has not only deteriorated in the past year it has exposed the fundamental contradiction in Capitalism and those who adhere to it in this country. Whilst the majority are told to shoulder the burden of the few, those who exploit and betray the working class remain immune. The 32CSM has laid out the framework for a new Ireland, sovereign politically, economically and socially on the basis that it is the people of Ireland who must decide how their country functions. The occupation of the six counties by an Imperialist power is mirrored now in the 26 counties by an administration that is directed by the IMF. The power wielded by both imperialism and capitalism in Ireland is an impediment to the Republic envisioned by Connolly, Lalor, Pearse and Tone.
The forces of resistance ranged against these twin impediments to progress are multifaceted in both their approach and character. The 32CSM recognizes that whilst the cause of the conflict in Ireland is left out of political discourse then the solution will remain out of reach. The IRA has struck against the forces of the occupation and the capitalist institutions that enable and compliment the efforts of normalization. The IRA are not the cause of conflict in Ireland they are a response to the conditions created by Imperialism in Ireland. The 32CSM believes that there is no room for ambiguity on the issue of resistance. To refuse to engage with those who acknowledge that resistance is inevitable and legitimate is to endorse the establishment narrative.
The 32CSM in 2011 showed our resolute commitment to make our Republicanism an active and relevant ideology. Our activists have been to the forefront in an array of campaigns across Ireland. Whether it is the issue of drug abuse in working class communities or right wing economic cuts against services we have recognized that it is imperative for us to respond to the needs of our communities. In the coming year we will enhance and broaden this social commitment and articulate our vision of a Republicanism that will meet the needs of the people of Ireland and provide a framework for political and social liberation.
We will continue the struggle in the coming year and we are confident that with courage and a sincere commitment to Republican values it will be a year of success and a defiant response to those who seek to destroy our movement and all it stands for.
Beir Bua
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
MI5 Try To Recruit Fermanagh Man

The 32CSM in Fermanagh would like to take this opportunity to condemn the actions of the PSNI and British security services in their recent attempts to harass and victimise a young Fermanagh Republican.
The young man, who does not wish to be named, comes from the Lisnaskea area. Over the past six months he has been stopped and searched a total of 71 times by the PSNI under the terrorism act.
On each occasion he was subjected to a full body search. When stopped in a friend’s car, the car and all the occupants would be searched also.
The most worrying development however came last week when the young republican was travelling to Liverpool to visit relatives. He was stopped and held by Special Branch and M15 operatives in Belfast International Airport for over half an hour, and questioned about his association with named republicans in Fermanagh and Donegal. During this time he was asked to gather information on the individuals’ movements and associates.
The young republican refused and asked could he leave as he would miss his flight. The mood in the room changed quickly and the young man was threatened with arrest and a subsequent jail sentence while being accused of things he knew nothing about.
After it was clear the man had no idea what they were talking about, he was left continue on his way with the warning that he would see them again. The man was offered £500 pound cash to start with, and it was said that there will be more to follow if he co-operated.
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement would like to commend the brave actions of this young Lisnaskea man and would like to thank him for coming forward with this worrying information. Attempting to recruit the young man as an informer showed a total disregard for his safety, and life.
Anyone who experiencing pressure such as this from the PSNI or MI5 is asked to contact your local 32CSM Cumann so they can highlight and challenge what is happening.
Beir Bua.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Stop The Torture of POWs / Free Marian Price Protest

A Protest has been Organised by Republicans in Fermanagh to highlight the plight of all the Republican POWs in Maghaberry who are currently being tortured by the Jail Administration and its workforce. The Protest will also highlight the case of Veteran Republican Marian Price who was interned recently and who is currently isolated on a landing of her own in Maghaberry Jail. It is incumbent that all Republicans can make an effort to attend this Protest on Saturday 17th of September 3pm outside Lisnaskea Police Station.
The arrest of a Coalisland man, his family home raided and trumped up charges made against him by British Policing in Ireland amount to internment by remand.
Mr Shane Coleman of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement in Tyrone said, “The arrest of Kevin Murphy and the raid on his family home is an increase in the harassment and intimidation suffered by this family over many years.”
“Mr Murphy is another in a long line on the conveyor belt of internment within the corrupt British judicial system in Ireland. Marian Price is another recent example of how the British Government assisted by their lackeys in Stormont deal with republicans who expose the violation of Irish National Sovereignty.”
Continuing Mr Coleman said, “I call on all Republicans to stand firm against this attack by the discredited PSNI on the republican and Nationalist community and to send a firm message to the establishment in Stormont and London that this failed tactic of internment by remand will fail again. It would appear they have learned nothing from the past 40 years and have no alternative but to repeat history with their failed policies in Ireland.
There is only one solution and that is for the British Government to relinquish their illegal sovereign claim to part of the Irish Nation and bring an end to this intimidation and harassment of the Irish people”.
The arrest of a Coalisland man, his family home raided and trumped up charges made against him by British Policing in Ireland amount to internment by remand.
Mr Shane Coleman of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement in Tyrone said, “The arrest of Kevin Murphy and the raid on his family home is an increase in the harassment and intimidation suffered by this family over many years.”
“Mr Murphy is another in a long line on the conveyor belt of internment within the corrupt British judicial system in Ireland. Marian Price is another recent example of how the British Government assisted by their lackeys in Stormont deal with republicans who expose the violation of Irish National Sovereignty.”
Continuing Mr Coleman said, “I call on all Republicans to stand firm against this attack by the discredited PSNI on the republican and Nationalist community and to send a firm message to the establishment in Stormont and London that this failed tactic of internment by remand will fail again. It would appear they have learned nothing from the past 40 years and have no alternative but to repeat history with their failed policies in Ireland.
There is only one solution and that is for the British Government to relinquish their illegal sovereign claim to part of the Irish Nation and bring an end to this intimidation and harassment of the Irish people”.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
POWs Savagely Beaten

Kevin Barry Nolan and Gerard McManus were forcibly strip searched yesterday before leaving Maghberry for court.They reported that when leaving for court it was the usual rough strip search by the riot squad dressed in boiler suits but that all changed on their return.
They were met by the riot squad dressed in full riot gear and when they refused to strip they attacked them.They put them on the ground and brutally removed their clothing, they twisted their arms up their backs and were trailing them around by their beards raining blows on their bodies and all the while shouting (for the benefit of the tape) stop resisting the search. Neither of them resisted the search in any way.
When the brutal strip search was over they were ordered to stand up which they refused, the riot squad then attacked them again while they were lying on the floor. They have received injuries and are covered in cuts and bruises. Tensions are high on the wing, the riot squad are taunting the lads and blocking them in when they are being escorted to the phone or for visits.
All the POWs have remarked that the screws/riot squad have upped the ante lately and are constantly trying to get an excuse to get stuck into a POW resulting in a number of POWs receiving beatings in this last week.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Statement from Republican Pows Maghaberry Jail

Statement from Republican POWs, Maghaberry, 4th Aug 2011
Following the resumption of protest action at the start of May we explained in detail the reasons why we were forced into this action. It has been clear to us from the signing of the 12th August agr...eement that a “claw back” policy was in place by the gaol admin/NIO. Since our protest resumed we have met with the assessment team, who David Ford put in place immediately after the signing of the agreement to monitor its implementation. This group were to give reports to Ford at different periods on progress, or the lack of it from either party to the agreement. Their first report was produced in October 2010, 2 months after the signing of the agreement and 7 months before the resumption of our protest. This report dealt with issues that had arisen around the failures of the gaol admin/NIO to implement key areas of the agreement.
It went on to make 6 recommendations to resolve these areas but failed to act, as had the prison service in countless damning reports in the past. These recommendations dealt with strip searching entering and leaving the prison and the area around controlled movement, both of these issues were dealt with in the August agreement.
We have stated both to the assessment team and gaol admin long before protest action resumed that the implementation of these recommendations would defuse tensions around the failure of the gaol admin/NIO to implement the original August agreement and deal with the core issues that originally brought about protest in 2010 which ended in the signing of the 12th August agreement. Unfortunately Ford, the gaol admin/NIO failed to grasp the severity of the situation and failed to implement the August agreement in full or these recommendations.
During the 9 months from the August 2010 agreement was signed and the resumption of our protest, the POWs worked tirelessly to have these issues resolved, regularly debating and planning our road ahead. Only when we were left with no alternative we resumed protest action. We embarked on this stage of protest in the knowledge that a long battle lay ahead and our protest could last a lengthy period. The August agreement was supposed to be a foundation for all republican POWs to build on and bring about a wing conducive to our republican principles.
The failure to implement this agreement has made it impossible for this foundation to take hold. When only one side to any agreement show the willingness required to make it work, it is doomed at a very early stage. These failures lie at the feet of David Ford and the gaol admin/NIO. We have reached stalemate. There is no agreement. There is nothing on the horizon to give us any confidence that Ford or the Brits are willing to deal with the issues, on the contrary Ford would rather use the media to give a fixed position rather than face up to the loyalist P.O.A and bigoted gaol admin. All this together proves that our original thoughts that this protest is now set to be a very lengthy battle.
We will not entertain anything short of our original demands which brought about the failed August agreement. We therefore call on family and comrades at home and abroad to show support, for what is only the beginning of a long hard battle ahead and we thank you for all your continued support.
Victory to the POWs.
Signed: Colin Duffy, Sean McConville, Damien McLaughlin, Brian Cavlan, John Paul Wootton, Harry Fitzsimons, Joe Barr, Mark McGuigan, Kevin Barry Nolan, Brian Sheridan, Dominic Dynes, Gavin Coyle, Brendan McConville, Gerard McManus.
Friday, July 22, 2011
32csm Statement in Response to Marian Price Charges

In a blatant attempt to disguise the political reality that internment is in use the British authorities have brought fabricated charges against republican Marian Price to portray her detention as being ordered by a court and not a British Minister.
This same British Minister has interned others, including Brendan Lillis, who is critically ill, and all calls for his immediate release have fallen on deaf and indifferent ears. Is this the so called new beginning widely hailed by those who are administrators of this insidious regime?
Marian Price was interned on the day the micro ministers in Stormont were appointing another puppet, a so called ‘Justice Minister’; these charges also protect that position from exposure as being a toothless façade. Nothing has changed.
The criminalisation policy of the British government towards Irish republicans continues as does our steadfast resistance to it.
These actions demonstrate clearly the failure of the so called peace process to address the root cause of the conflict.
The 32CSM calls for the immediate release of Marian Price, Brendan Lillis and all political detainees. We call for the implementation of the agreement in Maghaberry and an immediate end to political policing.
Friday, July 1, 2011
32csm Stands United with Newtownbutler Residents

Fermanagh 32CSM stands with Newtownbutler residents
The 32CSM Cumann in Fermanagh welcome the Parades Commission decision to not allow the Border Defenders band from entering the village of Newtownbutler on the 8th of July. The 32csm want to make clear our total and resolute opposition to any proposed Loyalist march through the village of Newtownbutler in the future we believe there should be no Loyalist marches in the village whatsoever. It is our belief that these marches are being planned by the various organisations responsible solely to raise tension and promote triumphalist attitudes.
A threat recently issued by the so called LVF, a deeply sectarian Loyalist Paramilitary group, should in our opinion be taken seriously. Threatening to shoot an apolitical music group if 'they' are not let march through the village is beyond insanity. It portrays the deep Catholic and Protestant divide embedded in their beliefs and in the beliefs of the people who will be descending on this rural village if this march is not let proceed. With this in mind Local residents are further concerned after watching the 500/700 UVF aligned Loyalists unprovoked attack on the nationalist Short Strand area in Belfast in a two day siege recently in which Loyalist gunmen fired shots at St Matthews church and wrecked Nationalist residents homes. The 32csm will stand united with the residents of the village and not allow this to happen.
It is clear that the residents of Newtownbutler are completely opposed to these marches through the village, a village which has an overwhelming majority of a 98% nationalist population. The feelings of the residents have been made clear both to the Border Defenders and the parades commission.
The Border defenders bandsmen do not live in the village, they are coming from outside Newtownbutler in an attempt to further highlight their views that their nationalist neighbours do not deserve to be treated in a respectful manner.
The 32CSM in Fermanagh has been to the forefront in the fight against sectarian parades. We have seen first hand the result of facilitating unwanted parades in the past during the Garvaghy road crisis. The decision was taken to end the intimidation of residents. That was the right decision then and we believe it is the right decision to take now. We will stand by the people of Newtownbutler should they choose to protest this march. We will not stand idly by while another community is subjected to the ugly manifestation of sectarianism that these marches represent.
Finally to those Loyalists who are planning to come and cause trouble on the 8th of July we would ask you to stay away from Newtownbutler as you are not welcome the 32csm will stand united with other Republicans and the Newtownbutler residents to defend the village if need be.
Beir Bua
Saturday, May 28, 2011
32CSM condemn Tom Elliott’s remarks

The Ard Comhairle of the 32csm wishes to condemn recent remarks made by Tom Elliott, the leader of the UUP. Mr Elliot in the past week has called on Owen Patterson to revoke the licence of ex POW and 32csm member John Connolly. This comment came in the wake of John attending an anti-royal visit protest in Dublin. At the protest two masked members of the crowd burned a union jack. John was not involved in this incident, nor did the Gardaí arrest the individuals who burned the flag. Despite these facts Mr Elliott regards John’s presence at a republican protest as sufficient reason to have his licence revoked.
This is not merely a repetition of Tom Elliott’s familiar anti republican rhetoric. Rather we see this as a further step in a sinister pattern that has resulted in a number of ex POWs either being imprisoned on trumped up charges or having their licence revoked due to their political stance.
In the past two weeks our national secretary Marian Price had her licence revoked for attending an Easter commemoration in Derry. In the same week two members of Republican Sinn Fein were charged under obscure legislation of "supporting terrorism" for stating in an interview that they supported the right of republicans to engage in armed struggle.
Mr Elliott referred to Marian as a terrorist and justified her internment on those grounds. Given his own lengthy involvement in the UDR who colluded with Loyalist paramilitaries surely he himself qualifies for similar treatment?
This latest statement is not merely a publicity stunt; rather it is an open call for internment and political censorship. John Connolly was released in 2007. He is a well respected community activist and an unashamed republican.
Tom Elliot is in effect calling for all ex POWs opposed to the GFA to be interned for their beliefs. Given the case of Martin Corey we do not think that this is mere hyperbole but rather a very distinct strategy being utilized by the British administration in an attempt to silence republicans.
The 32csm stands fully behind John as well as all of the republican ex POWs that Tom Elliott is trying to intimidate and censor. We send solidarity greetings to Marian, Martin and the other republicans imprisoned in Maghaberry for refusing to abandon their beliefs. We urge all republicans to support these individuals in any way they can.
32 CSM Ard Comhairle
Monday, May 16, 2011
Marian Price Interned in Maghaberry Prison

Once again, if further proof were needed, political policing in the Six Counties is demonstrated by the arrest and charging of 32CSM member Marian Price.
These events are unquestionably linked to the impending royal visit to the Twenty Six County state and is a clear message that her auxiliary police force’s primary role is to quell Irish dissent against her remit in Ireland.
Amid all the hype of normality and repeated mantras of ‘moving on’ the cause of the conflict in Ireland has not gone away. The British Auxiliary police force continues with its political function, emboldened by the support it now receives from establishment nationalists.
In tandem with these actions we see the continued brutalising of republican prisoners in Maghaberry as part of an overall strategy against Irish republicanism.
It will fail as surely as the silence from former republicans will be deafening.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
BREAKING NEWS: Republican POWs Resume Protest In Maghaberry
Republican prisoners in Maghaberry resume protest action.
Over one year has passed since republican prisoners commenced a
protest to end strip searching and controlled movement in
Maghaberry. The protest ended on the 12th August 2010 after a
facilitated agreement was reached between prisoners and gaol
admin/NIO which was supposed to have ended strip searching and
“phased out” controlled movement within the landings of republican
prisoners. As with previous agreements between republican
prisoners and the British, the British immediately began to claw
back on their position and in the case of this agreement even
introduced new and more degrading measures. As a group of non-
conforming republican prisoners, we fought against these measures
and have worked tirelessly to have the 12th August agreement
implemented. To achieve change we have to resist. To challenge
such a regime comes at a cost.
Since the signing of the August agreement over 60 forced strip
searches has taken place and the phased ending of controlled
movement hasn’t materialised. By this stage, May 2011, we should
have unfettered access to our two landings with cell doors
remaining open all day. Instead, ten screws have to be in place
before movement begins, with a maximum of six out on landings at
any one time. A “forum” involving prisoner representatives and
gaol admin was put in place as part of the agreement to sort areas
of contention, meeting on a monthly basis, but as non-conforming
prisoners, we refuse to take part in this “talking shop” whilst forced
strip searching and controlled movement remain in place. Other
areas that need to be addressed are too numerous to go into detail
but one example is that when a republican is arrested, he can
expect to spend up to 28 days in an interrogation centre, then if
charged, he’s brought to Maghaberry where he can expect to be
held on landings with loyalists and drug dealers for weeks (in some
cases months) before being transferred to the republican landings.
This is only one of many disgraceful issues that have been allowed
to continue unchallenged for too long. We will not stand idly by as
comrades suffer.
In recent months, we have released two separate documents
relating to the agreement of August 2010 and conditions within
Maghaberry. In both documents we called publicly for unity
between all prisoners, stating that we believed unity was our
strength and would benefit us all if we moved forward collectively.
We asked the other groups of prisoners and anyone outside with
influence and aligned to them to help to achieve this unity.
Unfortunately several months have passed and we have received
no response from either. We are conscious of the fact that a
significant number of POWs who agreed with our analysis and
actions required to obtain our objectives were fully supportive of us
but withheld that support. We now believe that most of those now
have the confidence to vocally show that support and indeed join
us in our struggle. We openly and genuinely welcome those
comrades and any others who share our view regarding gaol
Our objective is to establish a republican wing with republican
principles at its core. As republicans we will do whatever it takes to
achieve this. This will necessitate the ending of strip searching and
controlled movement per the agreement of August 2010. We
cannot and will not allow or facilitate any attempt to criminalise
republican prisoners any longer. We ask families, comrades and
republicans at home and abroad for renewed support as we enter
protest action to secure our rights as republicans. Strip searching
remains! Controlled movement remains! Our determination to end
them also remains!
Protest action has commenced at 10pm, Friday 6th May 2011.
Colin Duffy Damien McLaughlin Kevin Barry Nolan
Harry Fitzsimons Gerard McManus Brendy Conway
Seán McConville Brian Cavlan Gavin Coyle
Dominic Dynes Brendan McConville Mark McGuigan
John Paul Wootton Brian Sheridan Joe Barr
Over one year has passed since republican prisoners commenced a
protest to end strip searching and controlled movement in
Maghaberry. The protest ended on the 12th August 2010 after a
facilitated agreement was reached between prisoners and gaol
admin/NIO which was supposed to have ended strip searching and
“phased out” controlled movement within the landings of republican
prisoners. As with previous agreements between republican
prisoners and the British, the British immediately began to claw
back on their position and in the case of this agreement even
introduced new and more degrading measures. As a group of non-
conforming republican prisoners, we fought against these measures
and have worked tirelessly to have the 12th August agreement
implemented. To achieve change we have to resist. To challenge
such a regime comes at a cost.
Since the signing of the August agreement over 60 forced strip
searches has taken place and the phased ending of controlled
movement hasn’t materialised. By this stage, May 2011, we should
have unfettered access to our two landings with cell doors
remaining open all day. Instead, ten screws have to be in place
before movement begins, with a maximum of six out on landings at
any one time. A “forum” involving prisoner representatives and
gaol admin was put in place as part of the agreement to sort areas
of contention, meeting on a monthly basis, but as non-conforming
prisoners, we refuse to take part in this “talking shop” whilst forced
strip searching and controlled movement remain in place. Other
areas that need to be addressed are too numerous to go into detail
but one example is that when a republican is arrested, he can
expect to spend up to 28 days in an interrogation centre, then if
charged, he’s brought to Maghaberry where he can expect to be
held on landings with loyalists and drug dealers for weeks (in some
cases months) before being transferred to the republican landings.
This is only one of many disgraceful issues that have been allowed
to continue unchallenged for too long. We will not stand idly by as
comrades suffer.
In recent months, we have released two separate documents
relating to the agreement of August 2010 and conditions within
Maghaberry. In both documents we called publicly for unity
between all prisoners, stating that we believed unity was our
strength and would benefit us all if we moved forward collectively.
We asked the other groups of prisoners and anyone outside with
influence and aligned to them to help to achieve this unity.
Unfortunately several months have passed and we have received
no response from either. We are conscious of the fact that a
significant number of POWs who agreed with our analysis and
actions required to obtain our objectives were fully supportive of us
but withheld that support. We now believe that most of those now
have the confidence to vocally show that support and indeed join
us in our struggle. We openly and genuinely welcome those
comrades and any others who share our view regarding gaol
Our objective is to establish a republican wing with republican
principles at its core. As republicans we will do whatever it takes to
achieve this. This will necessitate the ending of strip searching and
controlled movement per the agreement of August 2010. We
cannot and will not allow or facilitate any attempt to criminalise
republican prisoners any longer. We ask families, comrades and
republicans at home and abroad for renewed support as we enter
protest action to secure our rights as republicans. Strip searching
remains! Controlled movement remains! Our determination to end
them also remains!
Protest action has commenced at 10pm, Friday 6th May 2011.
Colin Duffy Damien McLaughlin Kevin Barry Nolan
Harry Fitzsimons Gerard McManus Brendy Conway
Seán McConville Brian Cavlan Gavin Coyle
Dominic Dynes Brendan McConville Mark McGuigan
John Paul Wootton Brian Sheridan Joe Barr
Monday, April 25, 2011
IRA Easter Statement 2011

IRA Easter Statement 2011
The leadership of Oglaigh na hEireann extend Easter greetings and solidarity to all our friends and supporters both nationally and internationally, we extend our thanks to anyone who has helped the republican cause in any way and express our gratitude in advance for your assistance in the future. Everyone can make a contribution to the Irish freedom struggle, no part is too small.
The Republican movement wish to commend our volunteers for the courage, commitment and discipline they have shown in the face of huge odds, the republican struggle is entering a crucial phase with our enemies united in trying to end republican resistance once and for all, they will fail. In order to combat the forces of repression and partition republicans must think strategically and pragmatically. Republican unity must remain a key objective and aspiration for all republicans, for our part the IRA have worked closely with other organisations in every way and we will do so in the future. A united republican base is much more able to withstand the onslaught of the united forces of occupation.
Special mention must be made of the republican POW's in Maghaberry and their continued resistance to the torturous prison regime in place there. To those who say that the British occupation of Ireland has changed we say why, 30 years after 10 brave comrades died in British jails in Ireland, are Irishmen still fighting for political status and still being brutalised for doing so? We ask for your continued support for these captured volunteers who will never submit to degradation and criminalisation. We send greetings to the IRA unit in Portlaoise and send solidarity and support to republicans held overseas.
Oglaigh na hEireann call on any young nationalist who may have been sold the lie that the RUC/PSNI is somehow an reformed, non political police service to think again, those who think they are serving their community are in fact serving the occupation and will be treated as such.
The GAA, Catholic church and constitutional nationalism will be unable to protect those who turn traitor, they are as liable for execution as anyone else regardless of their religion, cultural background or motivation.
The IRA repeat our warnings to civilians to stay away from the scenes of IRA attacks or alerts, we have noticed a pattern developing whereby the RUC/PSNI are deliberately putting civilians at risk. These so called modern day heroes were brave enough to allow hundreds of non combatants to pass a large IRA bomb in Newry,we do not believe that this was sheer incompetence of their behalf but a calculated action aimed at putting civilians in the danger zone to protect themselves and discredit republicans. With this in mind we ask both the public and all volunteers to be careful and vigilant, with the occupation forces coming under increased pressure from the resistance movement they are more likely to take drastic action out of desperation.
It has come to the attention of the republican leadership that in a number of areas across the country criminal gangs are using the cover of republicanism to further their own selfish ends, this will not be tolerated, a harsh sentence will be dealt to anyone misusing the name of the IRA. Too many have paid the ultimate sacrifice in pursuit of our noble ideal to allow it to be sullied by criminals masquerading as republicans, anyone involved in this should stop and stop now.
Oglaigh na hEireann urge all self respecting Irishmen and women to resist the upcoming insult that is the visit of a British monarch to Irish soil, the criminal free state government invite is not on behalf of the Irish people but to further the selfish interests of a self serving elite.
Despite the best efforts of the media, big business, and other power blocks to portray this visit as acceptable we clearly state that the Irish people will not capitulate. The queen of England is wanted for war crimes in Ireland and not wanted on Irish soil. we will do our best to ensure she and the gombeen class that act as her cheerleaders get that message.
Finally we wish to state clearly and unequivocally that the leadership of the IRA is not in any negotiations with the British government, Free state government or anyone that represents them. Those who continually repeat this lie must explain their actions and we must clearly question their motivation, to them we say, don't judge the IRA by your standards. If the British are serious about discussing the restoration of Irish sovereignty then we will listen to their proposals, anything else is a waste of time. The IRA, in cooperation with others will continue to resist occupation to the best of our ability, anything less would be a betrayal of all those Brave men and women who fill our graveyards this Easter.
Victory to the IRA, Beir bua.
This statement was released anonymously to The Sovereign Nation
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Brtitish Police, Republican Resistance

Republicans take no satisfaction in the death of anyone; the death of PSNI/RUC member Ronan Kerr does not fill republicans with joy, quite the opposite in fact. The continued occupation means that while regrettable, further deaths of those who shore up and defend that occupation are inevitable. In order to instigate a real peace process in Ireland those ultimately responsible for the occupation i.e. the British government need to address the root cause of the Irish conflict, the continued violation of Irish national sovereignty.
The great and the good within the catholic church, the GAA and constitutional nationalism have predictably lined up to sing in unison with the British administration in Ireland. It would seem that they are using the death of Ronan Kerr to their own advantage.
It is important to note that many of those who now condemn the killing of a member of the British police in Ireland once actively resisted their presence whether catholic or protestant. It is not that long ago that the GAA refused to allow members of the British security forces to be members of their organisation.
Michael Ferguson, a 21 year old catholic RUC man from Omagh was shot dead a number of years ago in Shipquay Street outside Dunnes Stores by the IRA. Far from calling on the people of Derry to inform on the perpetrators of this attack a prominent Provisional politician from the city ordered the fire bombing of Dunnes Stores exactly one week later to prevent the RUC from carrying out a reconstruction in to this young officer’s death.
This same power junkie can now be seen regularly with the discredited British police commander Matt Baggot condemning current IRA actions.
It is no surprise to republicans that the Catholic Church has stood behind the forces of occupation and partition; they have a long history of this. Dan Breen executed two catholic Irish speaking RIC members during the tan war; the catholic hierarchy said that hell wasn't hot enough for the perpetrators. A lot has been made of the fact that Ronan Kerr was a catholic, Tom Williams went to the gallows for killing a catholic RUC man, how can he be a republican hero and Ronan Kerr be a modern day hero, how can those who killed Kerr be "worse than traitors"?
The British administration in Ireland constantly claim that republicans are using young men as pawns for their own selfish political ends, what was that same administration doing with young Ronan Kerr, selling him the glory of serving his community in a British uniform. The reality is that death means nothing to the British whether in Ireland, Afghanistan or Libya. Hundreds have died in the last few weeks at the hands of the British and their allies with their cruise missiles yet none of them are worthy of a mention. Young men like Ronan Kerr are pawns being used by the British and their local allies to shore up a failed internal settlement.
While everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the killing of Ronan Kerr we must expose the hypocrisy of those seeking to use his death to harm the republican position. It has always been the republican position that all death is regrettable and all deaths of this nature can be avoided by the causes of conflict being confronted rather than ignored.
The RUC/PSNI have been repeatedly harassing and abusing republicans for years. The PSNI’s primary role is to enforce British rule on a section of the Irish people. When young Irish men and women join the British police force in Ireland the dangers involved can not be lost on them. Those who constantly encourage young people to join the PSNI in the full knowledge of the dangers involved cannot shirk the moral responsibility when deaths like that of Ronan Kerr occur.
Peter Robinson’s deputy Martin Mc Guinness has called for people to inform on republicans. The question that should be asked of Mc Guinness is that people who may have information on those who killed Michael Ferguson in Shipquay Street in 1993 inform on Volunteers who carried out the attack, if not, why not.
End the hypocrisy, end the occupation, end the war.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
PSNI Search Two Schoolchildren in Roslea

Roslea 32CSM Condemn PSNI Search of Two Children on St Patricks day
PSNI Search Two Schoolchildren
The Vol Jimmy Connolly Cumann Roslea 32 County Sovereignty Movement (32csm) condemns in the strongest terms the searching of two young school children by the PSNI on St Patricks day. The search took place in the village when families were out enjoying the parade unawares that two young children, a 15yr old and the other only 13, were being subjected to a search by members of the PSNI.
A parent of one of the young boys contacted members of the local 32csm cumann in Roslea who said he was deeply traumatised by the search and scared to go outside after it happened. When the parents asked their children why did the police search them the two young boys said that the police said we ‘looked suspicious’. "Within the last month, the RUC/PSNI are upping the ante with regards to the targeting and deliberate harassment of individuals unconnected to the movement in the Roslea area.
The PSNI/RUC have changed tact and now regularly target family, children and friends of members of the 32csm. The 32csm condemn the recent upsurge in RUC/PSNI activity against the nationalist community in Roslea and across the occupied area. " It is blatantly obvious that someone at the top of the British security establishment has passed down the diktat for the RUC/PSNI to take the gloves off and to intensify their vigorous campaign of intimidation and harassment against nationalists and republicans and their families.”
Republicans are being stopped and searched on sight by the RUC/PSNI in the north and in many cases being followed around towns and cities in a blatant fashion. It is quite normal for republicans to see heavily armed police in armoured cars cruising slowly past their homes numerous times per day or setting up checkpoints near the homes of republicans.
Republicans must view this as a sign of a defeat in the ranks of the RUC/PSNI: the RUC was supposed to have disappeared and the PSNI was to be the new 'peacetime' police service but due to the growing support for the republican position in defence of Irish national sovereignty the PSNI have been forced to publicly admit that this transition cannot take place.
The police service is exposed as a military police force and the PSNI mask has slipped to very publicly reveal the un-rehabilitated RUC. These attempts at crushing the republican position through intimidation will not deter republicans, if anything they only serve to strengthen the resolve of the republican family.
Monday, March 21, 2011
POW Protest In Blacklion Co Cavan Saturday March 26th
Fermanagh/Cavan 32 County Sovereignty Movement (32csm) are holding a protest in Blacklion Village on the Cavan/Fermanagh border in support of the Republican POWs in Maghaberry Prison Co Antrim on Saturday 26th of March at 3pm.
All Republican irrespective of political difference are asked to come and join this protest in support of the POWs and there demands.
All Republican irrespective of political difference are asked to come and join this protest in support of the POWs and there demands.

Monday, January 31, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Oglaigh na hEireann / Real IRA New Year Message

Real IRA threatens gun and bomb attacks
Statement details organisation's plan to 'expand theatre of operations'
Suzanne Breen, Northern Editor
The Real IRA has threatened to expand its campaign in 2011 and is planning gun and bomb attacks on a wide range of British military, commercial, political and judicial targets.
In a new year statement released exclusively to the Sunday Tribune, the paramilitary organisation said the security forces were completely failing to deal with the threat it posed.
In the past 12 months, the Real IRA carried out several bombings, but it has not inflicted any fatalities on the security forces since it murdered two British soldiers at Massereene in March 2009, nor has it launched any attacks in Britain.
In its statement, the Real IRA Army Council said: "In the year to come, the leadership of Óglaigh na hÉireann will strive to expand the theatre of our operations in line with our strategy. We will continue to target institutions and personnel in the military, political, policing, justice and commercial and economic fields." The Real IRA said it had learned from "past mistakes" which it didn't detail.
It has previously taken ruthless action against those whom it claims "collaborate with British rule in Ireland". It deliberately shot and tried to kill two workers delivering pizzas to the soldiers at Massereene.
The paramilitary group repeated this threat. "Those who actively engaged in the occupation of Ireland and those who assist this occupation are the enemies of the Irish people," it said. In recent months, the Real IRA launched bomb attacks on Newry courthouse and the Ulster Bank in Derry. Catholic police officer Peadar Heffron lost a leg and narrowly escaped death when a bomb planted by another dissident group exploded under his car.
The Real IRA claimed that continuing dissident attacks showed that the two governments' policy of normalisation of life in the North had failed.
"In the past year, there has been no mistaking the fact that a conflict exists in occupied Ireland. The British, Free State, and colonial parliament in the six counties have collectively been unable to conceal or deal with this fact," it said.
It dismissed raids by the security forces and the arrest and conviction of republican dissidents. "None of the above measures have worked in the past, nor will they work now," it said. In a reference to the Provisional movement, which strongly opposes republican dissidents, it said the gulf between the two was now huge.
January 2, 2011
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