Sunday 25th July saw the inaugural National POW protest which was organised by the Friends and families of the POWs.The invitation to march extended to all shades of Republicanism to take to the streets of Lurgan and show solidarity with the POWs in Maghaberry who are suffering abhorrent treatment at the hands of the British sectarian POA,their lackeys and their draconian regime.
The RUC in Derry passed the assembly point where local members of the 32csm had gathered to board their transport and went round several times mocking and gesticulating to the marchers in the hope of provoking a reaction.
When no reaction was forthcoming, the RUC then left and set up checkpoints outside the city.
The bus duly arrived at one of the checkpoints and the RUC ordered everyone off .As is their usual they attempted to goad members before settling on the tactic of refusing to allow them back on the Bus.They stated that one of the tyres was worn and refused to let the Bus continue forcing the marchers to walk the couple of miles back to the city.
The tactic failed though as hundreds of Republicans gathered in Lurgan to show solidarity with the Republican POWs whose courage,steadfastness and resolve in the face of continued and excessive barbarity by the British system acts as an inspiration to us all.
The RUC had set up in Lurgan and vigorously set to work on the cars and buses of marchers in an attempt to harass and intimidate Republicans from attending but their tactic failed miserably as the crowd swelled.
Lurgan itself was locked down with rows of RUC jeeps blocking the road in an attempt to halt the march but they were outflanked and outwitted by the contingency plans of the organisers who had in advance plotted alternate routes to cope with this type of eventuality and so continued to the rally point leaving the bewildered RUC looking on.
Speakers at the Rally point were Maura McCrory, formerly of the Relatives action committee & anti H Block committee, Paul Duffy (Brother of Colin Duffy ) and Gary Donnelly who read out the statement from the POWs.