Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Republican POW Terry Mc Cafferty Released

Terry McCafferty Released

The IRPWA are delighted at the news of Terry McCafferty's release from prison. Terry was returned to British confinement for no other reason than his political beliefs.

Attempts by the RUC/PSNI/MI5 to suggest otherwise have foundered even within their own security system which merely confirms the utter spurious nature of his reinternment.

The IRPWA takes this opportunity to thank most sincerely all those republicans who braved all weather conditions to campaign for this very day.
Your efforts have been vindicated. We wish Terry and his familly all the best for their future.

The 32csm here in Fermanagh wish Terry and family all our best wishes at this time.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Crown Force Incursion into Co.Donegal

The 32CSM in Fermanagh would like to condemn in the strongest terms the recent British Crown Forces incursion into the townland of Clyhore in Co. Donegal on the Fermanagh/Donegal border.

On Monday 22nd of March the British Colonial Police force PSNI/RUC were observed stopping traffic in Co. Donegal in the 26 County Jurisdiction. Republicans in counties Fermanagh, Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan have been aware of the PSNI/RUC patrols straying over the border on numerous occasions recently, and this latest incursion is another blatant affront to Irish Sovereignty.

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement would like to know if this incursion has been sanctioned by the 26 County Administration as part of their war on Irish Republicanism and if so where does that leave their own claims to having sovereign integrity over their own jurisdiction and where does it leave their claims of neutrality given that a heavily armed occupation army and police force may be allowed to use their territory?

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement not alone condemns the military wing of the British government for continuing these deliberate incursions but we also condemn the 26 County Administration’s failure to protect its sovereignty in 1998 and again in 2009 and now in 2010 when attacks on that sovereignty are ignored , encouraged or even facilitated.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Fermanagh/Cavan 32csm Easter Wreath laying Ceremonies

This Easter Fermanagh 32csm will be holding wreath laying ceremonies across the county

Holy Saturday evening Wreath laying ceremony at Bobby Sands memorial Cornagrade Enniskillen assemble at monument at 7pm.

Easter Sunday Wreath laying Ceremony at the Hungerstrikers memorial Newtownbutler Co fermanagh assemble at monument at 10am

Easter Sunday Wreath laying ceremony at the grave of IRA Volunteer Jimmy Connolly assemble at St Marys chapel Newtownbutler at 10.30am and proceed to the grave yard.

Easter Sunday Wreath laying Ceremony at the Sean South, Fergal O Hanlon monument Altwark between Brookeboragh and Roslea assemble at Monument 11.30am.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Protest at Maghaberry Gaol has been cancelled

Protest at Maghaberry Gaol - Cancelled

Gary's fast ended yesterday evening following his move back to the Republican wing in Maghaberry Gaol.
He would like to express his sincere thanks and appreciation to all who supported him ,sent messages of support and lobbied on his behalf.
The Protest which was to be held at Maghaberry on Sunday has therefore been cancelled.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Protest Maghaberry Gaol

There will be a protest held at Maghaberry Gaol this Sunday at 12pm in order to support Gary Donnelly who is currently on Hunger Strike in a British Gaol and to campaign for political status for Republican POW's.

All Republicans Welcome.

Anyone from Derry requiring travel arrangements can email us for information.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

End the torture Free Gary Donnelly NOW

Maghaberry Prison Protest
32 County Sovereignty Movement

Once again the veneer of normalisation is shattered by London’s policy of criminalisation against republicans. As much as such a policy victimises republican activists and republican prisoners it also highlights the utter impotence of those claiming to be ‘Irish Ministers’ in Stormont. The British Government is now utilising the entire spectrum of its criminal justice system in Ireland in its dirty war against Irish separatists irrespective of devolution. The police, judiciary and prison authorities are at one in the implementation of this policy.

There has been a concerted effort in recent times to smear individual republicans as agents and informers to ferment mistrust and division within republican ranks. Coupled with this have been bogus RUC/PSNI claims of death threats against named individuals purportedly from republican organisations. These are not random or localised occurrences but form part of a centrally controlled strategy. Undoubtedly the spectre of republican unity prompted this strategy at this time.

32CSM activist Gary Donnelly was recently imprisoned after being assaulted by members of the RUC/PSNI in Derry. Shortly into his incarceration Gary was placed on ‘lockdown’ and removed from the republican wing on the spurious grounds that his life was ‘under threat from the Real IRA’. He was placed in a wing housing criminal and sex offenders. As a consequence of this action Gary has refused food pending his return to the republican wing.

This development marks a deliberate intrusion of this dirty war strategy into the prison system. Like all previous attempts to do so it will fail in the face of determined republican resistance both within and without of that system. We call on all republicans to see through this nefarious British tactic and act in unison against it. Criminalisation is directed against all republicans and ostensibly what republicans struggle for. To those who chose to become part of the British establishment under the delusional belief that such an act could remove that establishment from Ireland you now face another choice, your British paymasters expect no less from you.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sinn Fien's Call for a Specialist RUC/PSNI Unit to tackle Republicanism

Sinn Fein's Daithi Mc kay calls for specialist Police unit to tackle the Republican threat

Calls have been made for a specialist police unit to deal with Republican incidents amid fears that PSNI caution over the heightened terrorist threat could be putting lives at risk.

This week it emerged police officers left a car believed to have been used as the getaway vehicle in the bombing of Newry courthouse unsecured for two days.

Police didn't secure the scene because they feared being lured into a IRA trap — instead allowing firefighters to put out a blaze in the potentially booby-trapped vehicle.

It follows similar incidents where the PSNI/RUC have taken hours — in some cases days and weeks — to investigate crime reports because of fears of an ambush.

Last month people were able to walk past a van containing a mortar bomb in Keady after officers were slow to cordon off the area.

Police also took 12 hours to respond to reports that thieves were stealing an ATM from McCabe’s SuperValu store in Newtownbutler, while last April the PSNI/RUC was criticised after waiting 17 days to search for a suspect device near Rosslea.

Sinn Fein Policing Board member Daithi McKay warned that people’s lives could be put at risk, and has called for a specialist unit to deal with difficult incidents.

“These are dangerous situations,” he said. “We saw the threat when a device went off in Newry. It could have done a lot of damage and killed people in the area.

“There is obviously public concern about police response times for some incidents, and there is a duty on the Chief Constable and the PSNI/RUC to look at these.

“If the PSNI/PSNI is unable to adequately respond to these incidents, then it is worth considering looking at a specific unit or specially trained officers to deal with such issues. That could lead to better response times and decrease the risk to the public.”

Last October residents in Clady had to seal off a road after police did not turn up at the scene of a suspect van abandoned in the Tyrone village.

Independent councillor Gerard Foley, one of those involved in the cordon, said the community “was left out to dry”.

“They were the ones on the front line,” he said. “It was the community that checked the van. It was the lives of the community at risk, it wasn't the lives of police officers.

“What happened here last year was a fiasco. We are still waiting for the the RUC/PSNI to answer our questions about this incident.”

A spokesman for the Police Federation said each incident has to be judged on its own merits.

“There is a serious concern for officers’ safety and they cannot move too quickly when there is a threat,” he said.

In the Newry incident, officers received reports of the burning car at Dromintee 20 minutes after the blast on February 22, but left it for two days without forensic examination. It was later removed by residents without police knowledge, before being recovered.

Defending the PSNI/RUC’s handling of the incident yesterday, Chief Constable Matt Baggott said he would not pressure officers to move into a situation where their lives could be at risk.

“We have to take our time... we have to be mindful of the risks,” he said.

I wonder will Daithi have the same view when Republicans are laying dead on the roadside, at the hands of his new British unit?

Friday, March 5, 2010

New British Anti-terror Unit Deployed in Fermanagh

THE PSNI has confirmed that specialist anti-terrorist police have been deployed in the Fermanagh area following a number of dissident republican attacks here.

Announcing the drafting in of the crack unit, the PSNI referred to the recent ambush of a police officer at Garrison, as well as an upsurge in criminal activity, including ATM robberies along the border.

The presence of the specialist unit was revealed at last month's meeting of the Dungannon District Policing Partnership, although not in the role they were tasked to carry out.

The local PSNI Inspector admitted the new unit had been deployed to tackle burglary and ATM theft.

However, he insisted that their primary role, 'and whole purpose in our area', was in an anti-terrorism role, 'trying to disrupt terrorists and detect them moving munitions or whatever'.

The officer, Inspector Stephen Moneypenny, disclosed that the specialist force were Armed Response Vehicle (ARV) officers.

The Ulster Unionist MLA, Tom Elliott, has welcomed the drafting of specialist police into Fermanagh in support of the PSNI to combat dissident activity.

Mr Elliott told the Herald that it had been obvious for some time that the local PSNI required additional support due to the level of crime they were contending with.

"This not only includes burglaries and acts of crude criminality, such as the ATM thefts, but also the threat of paramilitary violence. We only have to think back to the attempted murder of a young police officer in Garrison in November to see just how dangerous the situation is at this moment in time."

"This is why I am pleased that specialist police officers have being drafted in to help support our local officers already on the ground."

He said their presence would not only aid 'F' Division - including Fermanagh and most of Tyrone - in a practical manner by increasing the manpower at their disposal, but that, visually, their presence would reassure people that the police were increasingly active on the ground.

"I believe that the wider community will take confidence from the fact that local policing resources are being enhanced at a time when it a real necessity."

However, Fermanagh Independent Councillor, Bernice Swift said the primary aim of the PSNI remained the same as the RUC, RIC and the B-Specials.

"That aim', she said, " is to protect the British state and British interests in Ireland. It is not about combating a dissident threat.

"Throughout history, Britain has deployed a wide range of tactics to maintain its occupation of Ireland; however, one element of British strategy in Ireland has remained constant for centuries and it's that of the locally recruited militia.

"The British government and its allies in Ireland continuously claim that the PSNI is a normal police service for a normal state.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The PSNI is just the frontline force of Britain's 'Axis of Evil' in Ireland, along with the British army and MI5 forming the other elements".

Kieran Doherty Admitted Involvement in Drugs Trade

The IRA has claimed that Kieran Doherty, whom it abducted and murdered last week, had admitted his involvement in a €500,000 cannabis factory uncovered by gardai in Donegal last month.

In a statement, a representative of its ‘Army Council’ claimed Doherty (31) had made the admission during a six-week ‘investigation’ by the IRA following the discovery of the drugs factory.

Doherty’s family have strongly denied he was involved in the drugs trade.

The dissident spokesman said Doherty, who was a prominent member in Derry, had been “interviewed” twice by the IRA before the night of his murder.

The IRA said that at the second interview, at which Doherty was “court-martialed”, he had made the admission after hearing “witness statements” from other members of the criminal gang who were allegedly involved with him in the cannabis factory.

The IRA spokesman said that Doherty had been a member of its “GHQ (general headquarters) staff” and had known the organisation’s rules when he joined.

While Doherty had admitted involvement with the drugs gang, he had denied working for MI5, the spokesman claimed.

However, the IRA believed that MI5 “had played some role” in the drugs factory which had been set up to “blacken the IRA’s name and link us to the drugs trade which we abhor and oppose”. The cannabis factory was discovered by gardai at a house in Carrigans which was owned by Seamus McGreevy (56) from Co Meath, a founder (R) IRA member who killed himself over a month ago.

McGreevy had built the house but had been unable to sell it due to the property market slump. He asked Doherty to rent the house to tenants and to act as its caretaker. The two men, who met when they were serving sentences in Portlaoise prison, were described as being “like father and son”.

The IRA said that, from its investigation, it believed McGreevy had no involvement in the cannabis factory and was horrified when it was found. “After the drugs factory was uncovered, the IRA stood down its entire Derry brigade pending the outcome of our investigation,” the spokesman said.

“An outside IRA security team moved in to carry out the inquiry. It was an extensive investigation during which many witnesses, including members of the criminal gang involved in the drugs factory, were interviewed.

“Those individuals gave statements saying Kieran had been integrally involved in setting up the whole operation and had actually sourced the cannabis plants.”

The spokesman claimed when Doherty was first interviewed at a paramilitary “court of inquiry”, he denied these allegations. However, the IRA representative claimed that on the second occasion when Doherty faced a “court martial” and was shown statements from the gang members, he “admitted his involvement”.

The spokesman said that at both “interviews” Doherty had been ordered not to discuss the issue with anybody nor to contact other IRA members.

“However, on Bloody Sunday (January 31), Kieran phoned Seamus McGreevy who was having lunch at his sister’s home. Whatever Kieran said led to Seamus leaving, returning to his own home, and then hanging himself,” added the spokesman.

McGreevy came into a very substantial sum of money when a motorway was built through farmland he owned. Republican sources said he gave most of this to the Real IRA and also to ex-prisoners who were struggling financially. They said he had given Doherty money to set up a café for himself but the venture had failed. Republican sources described McGreevy as a “very trusting, quiet countryman”.

Until the discovery of the drugs factory, Doherty had been a popular member of the IRA nicknamed ‘Harry Potter’ or ‘Goggles’ because of his glasses. The IRA claimed it had “strictly followed the green book”, the IRA’s rulebook which all members endorse, during its ‘investigation’ into Doherty.

The spokesman claimed that admitting one of its members had become involved in the drugs’ trade, and then killing him, was “not something we did lightly”.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Cavan Republican Prisoner Attacked in Maghaberry Gaol

A BLACKLION man accused of attempting to murder a student police officer in Garrison last November is to take legal action after he was bitten by a dog while on remand in Maghaberry prison last week,

Kevin Barry Nolan, 33, with an address at Main Street, Blacklion is believed to have been severely injured after he was bitten by a dog on the right arm as he made his way to the prison gym last Tuesday.

A source told the Herald that, "on the afternoon of Tuesday 16 February, Kevin Barry Nolan from Belcoo, a remand prisoner at Magheraberry prison was bitten on the right arm by a guard dog and severely injured. He was going from his cell block with a companion to the gymnasium when the dog lunged at him and bit him on the right arm.

"The prison officer who failed to control the dog managed to command the dog to let Kevin go.

"He was severely injured, but was refused the services of a doctor even though there was a doctor in the adjoining block at this time.

"The nurse in charge refused what was surely at the time a reasonable request.

"Even though the injury was caused by a dog, he was refused a tetanus injection until quite some time later. He also requested to be removed to hospital if he couldn't be seen by a doctor, but that request was also refused.

"He has now been charged with refusing to obey an order which is very cynical and a crude attempt at a cover up by the prison authorities. It is understood that the following day, prominent notices were erected warning inmates to stay three metres from the dogs.

"The next time Mr Nolan went outside he noticed that the dog handler was keeping the dog very well away from prisoners."

The Fermanagh 32 County Sovereignty Committee condemned the incident which it described as 'an assault'.

It stated: "The information coming from inside the prison is that Kevin received numerous wounds to his body from the dog after getting mauled and was severely bitten on the arm and then left with the basic minimal treatment given by the prison officials.

"This treatment of an Irish republican prisoner is totally disgraceful, and once more shows the true colours of the British state when it comes to dealing with Irish republicans.

"This is despicable behaviour from the prison authorities, and a breach of Kevin's human rights."

Meanwhile, Nolan's solicitor, Frank McManus of Murphy and McManus Solicitors confirmed that he has received instructions to take whatever legal action is necessary arising out of the incident.

The source continued: "Mr Nolan instructed his solicitor that the incident was captured on CCTV and a request has been made to the prison authorities to make the footage available."

"The matter is being formally investigated by senior management at Maghaberry.

Taken from Fermanagh Herald paper