Republican Youth Movement now Established in North Monaghan
It gives me great pleasure to announce another 32csm Republican youth movement this time in Clones, North Monaghan close to the border with South Fermanagh,
Clones Co.Monaghan due to its geographical position suffers serious deprivation at the hands of Partition.
Currently the area is in an ever tightening vice grip of a recession, affecting the vast majority of the community.
Young people have always been vulnerable to the negative effects of Partition, modern technology transport and communications mean this vulnerability may be exploited by more sinister individuals leading our youth in to serious crime.
It is the objective of Republican Socialists to advise guide and protect all the people, and it is our intention to present a reliable honest and ever growing presence in North Monaghan/South Fermanagh.
We would encourage all, especially the youth to take heart in this presence and to acknowledge with the people are the people.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Nationalist Residents Searched Going To Mass

The 32csm condemn the harrassment and intimidation of Nationalist residents of Newtownbutler in Co Fermanagh on Sunday 20th September when over 60 PSNI/RUC stormed the village heavily armed setting up road blocks on all roads leading to the Nationalist village.
Villagers were taken out of there cars while going to mass they were searched along with there vehicles children that were with there parents were left standing on the roadside terrafied at seeing there parents being searched by the PSNI/RUC.
The 32csm also condemn the harrassment and intimidation of the residents while trying to go to mass in Newtownbutler on sunday a number of residents were searched and stopped while going to mass they had there names and details taken and were late for mass.
The 32csm here in Fermanagh totally condemn these actions by the PSNI/RUC and we stand by and support the Nationalist residents of Newtownbutler and Fermanagh at this time!
Monday, September 7, 2009

A Dungannon Republican has told how he returned home on Thursday to find two armed Men dressed in fatigues with their faces blacked out running up a field behind his house.
The Man who wishes to remain anonymous says his Wife and Child had been walking the family dog when the dog became agitated around hedges in the field behind the property , when the mans wife started looking into the hedge two Men emerged wearing combat gear and carrying holstered handguns, a strange car was then seen arriving on a small country lane behind the field and the Men who were obviously under cover Soldiers made of over the fields towards it.
At this stage the Dungannon Man returned home and observed the men making their escape, his wife ran over to tell him what had happened so he turned the car around and sped after the car the Soldiers were heading for , he pulled up behind the car just as the men had got inside .
As The Dungannon Republican pulled up behind the car two uniformed members of the RUC/PSNI emerged from the car in front and approached the Mans car, he was taken out and searched under the terrorism act his car was searched and he was verbally harassed by the Members of the Crown Forces, as this was going on he could see the two Soldiers sitting in the back seat with hoods pulled up to hide their identity, the man was then released and the undercover Crown Forces car made off in the direction of Duncannon ,the man said he would be reporting the incident to his solicitor .
This is a very disturbing development in the past the Crown Forces used these tactics to set up Irish Republicans for Loyalist death Squads , undercover Soldiers were present when Roseanne Mallon was gunned down by a death squad lead by the notorious Loyalist murderer Billy Wright not 10 miles from the site of this incident It is obvious that the SAS is once again active in Republican East Tyrone as is the British Army a number of British Military helicopters have been seen in the skies over the East Tyrone area in this past couple of months with landings sited in remote rural areas, it seems East Tyrone is once again the focus of a British Military counter insurgency Campaign operations like the one uncovered by this Mans family is further proof of that Campaign.
The 32CSM urge anyone who witnesses similar activity to report it to the 32CSM in there area.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The volunteers distributed leaflets calling on locals not to co-operate with the British occupying forces as well as pro British political parties. They have also sent out a stern warning to drug dealers and other anti-social elements, that their actions will not be tolerated and that they will be eliminated from society by their local IRA Brigades.
The IRA checkpoint has sent shock waves through the British security forces rank and file officers! An RUC/PSNI officer has warned of a serious breakdown in police intelligence after officers were allowed to drive into the IRA checkpoint without prior knowledge.
Three masked men carrying rifles were seen stopping vehicles at railway road on the outskirts of Meigh in county Armagh at 9pm on Friday. It is understood that an RUC/PSNI patrol car had driven to within 100 meters of the IRA checkpoint before turning back.
Last night one RUC/PSNI officer based in South Armagh said that his colleagues were relieved to have escaped being attacked but were furious that they had no prior warning of IRA activity in the area.
"We are getting vague briefings every single day that terrorists are highly active in and around Newry and South Armagh," he said. "But surely in intelligence circles should be fit to warn us if illegal vehicle checkpoints are being carried out in our patrol area.
"There were only three gunmen on the road but we know there would have been at least a dozen in the fields and hedges. "It doesn't bare thinking about what would have happened if the officers had driven straight into the trap."
The officer also spoke of the frustration at police intelligence failure to locate a heavy calibre tripod-mounted machine gun, which is known to be in the hands of the dissident republicans.
"We know they have a DShK machine gun and if they are out in daylight doing vehicle checkpoints then they would probably feel confident enough to bring out the big stuff and take us on," he said.
"They must think the intelligence services have taken their eye off the ball and no doubt someone will have to be killed before the proper resources are brought in to sort this out."
The Soviet made DShK fires 600 12.7mm rounds a minute and is capable of piercing armoured vehicles. SDLP assemble member Dominic Bradley condemned the IRA activity as a propaganda stunt.
A PSNI spokesman confirmed that a police patrol had encountered a number of armed men illegally stopping vehicles.
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