Members of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement in Cavan/Fermanagh have successfully dismantled a crime gang that had set up base in Cavan town and had been using young people in the Cavan town region to carry out a wide range of crime which included assaulting people, street drinking, breaking into people's houses to more serious offences such as drug dealing and stealing firearms from private properties.
This crime gang had five leading individuals that were influencing the young vulnerable people of Cavan to commit these crimes for their own personal gain,through the selling of drugs to extortion of money from businesses.
There were three of these individuals from Limerick one from Dublin and another from the Cavan area who had come into the Cavan town area after a falling out with other major Criminal gangs in Limerick and Dublin.
It was these individuals that prompted and influenced young vulnerable people in Cavan to start a gang and call themselves the TCRG which stands for "The Cavan Rebellion Gang".
After months of violent crime on the streets of Cavan and the attacks of innocent people the 32 County Sovereignty Movement were contacted by concerned residents from Cavan town too scared to contact the Gardai, and who were terrified to walk the streets of Cavan because of this anti social element calling themselves the TCRG.
Over the last number of weeks the 32 County Sovereignty Movement visited the homes and talked to the parents of some of these individuals who were identified to us as having been members of this criminal gang TCRG.
The 32csm sat down and talked to the parents of these individuals to explain that their children were seen in the presense of known criminals from Limerick and Dublin that had recently moved to the town and that these criminals were brainwashing their children to commit crimes against innocent members of the Cavan community and that this was wrong,and that the 32csm were there to help the parents and to engage with the youth of the area not to be getting involved with these criminals.
Within the last number of days a number of parents of those involved with the TCRG have come forward with there sons and daughters stating that they are no longer involved with this TCRG gang and that they will be advising others to leave the gang too.
We in the 32 County Sovereignty Movement welcome this recent development and we call for the remaining TCRG members to disband. The 32csm are happy to confirm that the five criminal figures that had moved to Cavan town from Limerick, Dublin and Cavan have now fled there homes in the Cavan area.
The 32 County Sovereignty movement will continue to monitor events on the ground and have our presense in the area should the need arise again.
And commenting on what the Chief Superintendent of the Gardai in Cavan John O Driscoll said recently about us being some sort of vigilante group, our organisation is a political organisation not a vigilante organisation which the Gardai would like to perceive us to be, we are a well established Republican political organisation throughout Ireland and we are dealing with problems like the one we have in Cavan on a daily basis.
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement are not in the business of having a war of words with the Gardai on this matter, if the Gardai had have been doing there jobs and putting a stop to these criminals then there would have been no need for the 32 County Sovereignty Movement to have gotten involved in the breaking up of this criminal gang.
In conclusion we want to state that the 32csm will be there to support anyone or community that is under siege or that feel threatened by criminals or anti social elements in there society throughout Ireland.
Statement Ends!
PRO: Cavan/Fermanagh 32 County Sovereignty Movement!